Categories: Beauty Stuff

Perfect Smile Veneers REVIEW

What is Perfect Smile?
Broken, warped, and missing teeth can be embarrassing. And getting a dental job to fix it is an expensive affair. But now there is a simple and easy way to win your smile and your confidence back.

Perfect Smile Veneers CLAIMS

Perfect Smile is a veneer designed to give your teeth the perfect look, so you get your million dollar smile back

How to use it? – Perfect Smile claims to be an easy to use removable veneer that is made with extremely comfortable, micro-thin Polypropylene. To use: simply soak Perfect Smile in hot water, press into your natural teeth and you are ready to go!

Great for all – Perfect Smile is amazing, one size fits all. Perfect Smile is perfect to use for meetings, job interviews, and blind dates. It is claims to be tested and proven to cosmetic standards. Order the Perfect Smile today!

Perfect Smile is one-size-fits-all so it will easily give you the perfect custom-fit around your teeth instantly. It is made of a special, non-toxic polymer and is not advisable to wear when eating; although it doesn’t pose any problem to drink while wearing it. Perfect Smile should not be worn when sleeping. It is recommended to soak it in a glass of water or mouthwash at night.

Perfect Smile can be worn regularly, with some people having used it for many years.

Perfect Smile is designed with special polymers that will not stain. When it’s time to clean, simply use a toothbrush or soak it in a glass container filled with mouthwash.

To custom fit Perfect Smile:
STEP 1: Leave Perfect Smile in a cup of boiling water for two minutes to make it flexible and ready to custom-fit to your existing teeth. Remove it with a spoon or fork when then impression material turns clear and soft. If the impression material is not soft, re-heat the water. Perfect Smile will be hot so wait 10-15 seconds before handling.

STEP 2: Using a mirror, firmly position Perfect Smile over your existing upper teeth. Press it firmly against your teeth and gently tap the impression material with your thumbs behind your real teeth. Do not get the impression material on the roof of your mouth as it may hamper speech.

STEP 3: After 30 seconds, gently pull Perfect Smile out of your mouth and place it in a glass of cold water to cool. The impression material will turn white when it is properly hardened. Try Perfect Smile on. You can re-mold as many times as you want until you get the perfect, custom fit.

As per the claims you can soak it in hot water over and over again until you get the custom fit that suits you. There is no need to re-mold if you don’t want to.

It is not difficult to speak while wearing Perfect Smile, although it may take a little time to get used to speaking while wearing Perfect Smile. It cannot be worn over braces.

Perfect Smile comes with a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee, Less P&H.

Perfect Smile Veneers Questions and Answers

Q. Can you wear the Perfect Smile Veneers over dentures?
A. No, you cannot wear them over dentures. There is a video on the website, so it may be a good idea to watch it before you purchase the Perfect Smile Veneers.

Q. Can you eat with the Perfect Smile Veneers?
A. No, you cannot eat with them. These are a waste of money, do not buy them.

Q. Are the Perfect Smile Veneers FDA approved?
A. No, they are not approved by the FDA.

Q. What are the instructions?
A. Simply soak Perfect Smile in mouthwash for about an hour, once a day. It is recommended to soak it overnight while you sleep. You may also use a tooth brush to clean Perfect Smile when you are finished wearing it.

Perfect Smile is designed only to enhance your appearance. It is not designed to chew hard foods or to be used as a denture. It is not recommended to sleep or eat while wearing Perfect Smile.

Perfect Smile REVIEW

Perfect Smile is a joke. The Perfect Smile gums are way to red and the Perfect Smile teeth are way too big for even the widest mouths. Perfect Smile looks so fake and is a complete waste of money.

You can send the Perfect Smile back but it costs more to send them back than you paid for them.

Perfect Smile is horrible. It does not fit in the teeth. It will hurt the gums. The hot water may remove its brightness and make them opaque.

Perfect Smile is over bit so big, it’s unreal. Don’t waste your money on the Perfect Smile veneers! If you wear the Perfect Smile veneers, just know you don’t look good or natural at all and anyone that tells you that you do is lying to you.

You may not ever be able to get Perfect Smile to fit properly and they look hideously fake.

Do not buy Perfect Smile, they are so fake looking. Even after following the video, they still looked horrible. Any reviews saying they are amazing, are probably paid to say that.

Perfect Smile is a flat piece of plastic. There is no way to hold it in your mouth. Perfect Smile may not fit your mouth. It looks noticeably artificial.

Perfect Smile will make you look awful that you will want to return them.

If you drink coffee they stain really easy. These veneers look very fake, like teeth bought on Halloween.

Perfect Smile makes you look like you have buckteeth or something. They are too short to fully cover your natural teeth and still feel comfortable on the gums, but if you don’t mind your real teeth peeking out of the bottom area, and you don’t mind being called a horse or something, then you will be happy with these.

Perfect Smile is completely unrealistic. Save your money on teeth bonding which is a much cheaper alternative than veneers. The Perfect Smile teeth protrude from the mouth no matter the proper fitting. The gums are much too light. It is easily noticeable that they are plastic. The canines look unrealistic- they’re too perfectly rounded. Perfect Smile might work better for people with a narrow arch or for people with several missing teeth. The sculpting beads that come along with the Perfect Smile teeth work much better for any minor imperfections.

What do I get
2 Perfect Smile Veneers for $14.99 + $13.98 S/h at the Official website:


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